Friday, May 12, 2017

Tree for Bill Mollison
4 May, 1928
24 September, 2016

Last fall, after the leaves had fallen from the trees here in Utah, I purchased a tree to plant in memory of Bill Mollison.
I was needing to plant shade tree, and after seeing so much about Bill’s life, I purchased a tree from our local nursery, and went about planting it. 
The simple tree planting turned out to be more difficult than I had anticipated.  In fact, it revealed quite a bit, about my home, and the history of the house.  Tree planting can reveal more than you expect!
I dug the first hole, and was almost ready to plant the tree, when I hit something hard in the soil.  I was aware, that there was previously and old outbuilding, in that general area.  I had hit concrete.  I moved another few feet away, and tried again; and hit concrete.  After three, four, or five more attempts, I had pinpointed the old concrete slab, and planted the tree, as far away from it as possible, while still getting some shade benefits. 
I could just imagine Bill laughing at my experience, and yes, I was a tad bit frustrated. Because this was in the front part of the lot, I didn’t want the neighbors to see me getting too upset, but yes, I am sure I cussed once or twice, or three times.  It really wasn’t my intention, to dig here and there. 
A few things that Bill taught applied here. Probably more than I will understand, for a while.
Observe. The first observation was, that the afternoon sun hits the west facing study window.  The solution, is to shade it; and the easiest way to do this, with the most benefits, would be to plant a shade tree.

The next observation was, when I had previously tried to plant grapes along the fence line, in that same area, I had hit concrete, and had to move down the fence line to plant.  On the other side of the fence line, I had dug a hole to plant a grape vine, and filled it with water, to see how fast it drained.  It hadn’t drained, after 4-5 hours.  When planting in a new area, it doesn’t hurt to check to see how the soil drains.  Just in case. After all, a fence line is too good of an opportunity for vines to pass up.

Along this side of the house, is a grassy driveway, used to access the back yard.  At some point, one of the previous owners of the home had torn down the shed, added a room, and built a driveway alongside the new room, bringing in a lot of soil to build up the driveway, and cover up the cement pad from the shed.  There is also a slight slope, which will enhance saving water for the new shade tree, and other plants in the area. I had wondered, why there was not a tree planted, to shade the west facing window, before.  Now I know!

Best of journeys, to Bill!  Another tree added to earth; a lovely Red Flowering Horse Chestnut tree, the bees are already visiting.

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